Welcome To Gray

Dr. Kotis
Gray Elementary is an amazing school full of bright and inquisitive learners. Teachers and staff work hard to ensure a positive, safe, and intellectually enriching environment. We value a collaborative school-home partnership with our supportive families. It is of paramount importance that all our students form a strong academic and social-emotional foundation for their promising futures.
February 2025
Hello Gray Families,
Welcome to February!
As we embark on this new month, let us be guided by the profound wisdom of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” These words ignite our passion as we strive to empower our Stallions, nurturing not only their academic strengths but also the strength of character that will impact their futures.
Our 6-8th grade Stallions are invited to a dance here at Gray this February! This event will take place February 20th from 5-7pm. There will be music, snacks, and best of all, great company. Our Student Voice Committee has put together this dance and we are proud of this impressive group of students. We are thankful for our teacher and staff volunteers who will help keep the event running smoothly and safely. We appreciate Friends of Gray for generously purchasing a photo booth for students to enjoy. Please look for additional information and permission slips that will be sent home in the near future.
February is also the beginning of the testing season at Gray. We are wrapping up the Middle of the Year (MOY) district wide testing window for math and reading. Kindergarten through 2nd graders take the i-Ready exam while 3rd through 8th graders take the Star 360 exam. These exams help show student progress and help teachers target and differentiate instruction to meet learner needs. In addition to district wide assessments and ACCESS testing, very soon Gray Elementary will engage in the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR), which is a Statewide assessment. Our testing data shows how our students are continually growing. Keep up the great work everyone! Please keep an eye out for additional testing information. 
We are Stallion Strong!
Dr. Kotis 