STUDENTS » Dress Code Policy

Dress Code Policy



Gray School has adopted a general dress code for all students.  Its purpose is to establish and maintain a focused and safe learning environment where students can develop a strong sense of community and belonging, and at the same time, feel comfortable and confident.​

What is allowed

​Always allowed and encouraged.

Pants, Shorts, Skirts  (Dresses are allowed) -  must cover undergarments at all times, regardless of movement, and must be worn at the waist.

• TOPS  
Must cover the students’ entire front and back and must cover all undergarments regardless of movement. 

Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. Footwear must be suitable for play time and physical education. Appropriate shoes are closed-toe and closed-heel (no-sandals or open-toed-shoes)

On physical education/gym days, students must be prepared to follow the dress code required by the PE teachers.

What is not allowed

Clothing that displays or suggests the following are not permitted:  Depictions of drugs, vaping, smoking or alcohol use; lewd/vulgar language or images; or displays of gang affiliation or weapons.

Hats, bandannas, and sweatbands may be worn to and from school, and during outdoor recess, but once inside the school, they must be removed and put away.

The school maintains discretion to determine if a student’s dress disrupts or

may disrupt the educational process.


As per Chicago Public School Student Code of Conduct: Local School Councils may adopt a dress code policy that forbids students from wearing certain items or a uniform policy that requires students to wear a specific uniform. Dress codes and uniform policies should be gender-neutral and cannot prohibit hairstyles or head coverings historically associated with race, ethnicity, religion or hair texture, including, but not limited to, protective hairstyles such as braids, locks, and twists. Students who fail to follow a school’s dress code or uniform policy may be given detentions or excluded from extracurricular activities, but may not be barred from attending class. A student may receive additional consequences for violating a school’s dress code or uniform policy if the student’s dress disrupts or may disrupt the educational process. For example, a student may receive a consequence for wearing clothing or accessories that display gang affiliation. Students enrolled in Military Academies or JROTC Programs are subject to the uniform requirements, interventions, and consequences of their specific program.


Thank you for your support!



Student Rights and Responsibilities Booklet