Gray Technology Magnet Cluster School Home

We are Stallion Strong

Welcome To Gray

Dr. Kotis
Gray Elementary is an amazing school full of bright and inquisitive learners.  Teachers and staff work hard to ensure a positive, safe, and intellectually enriching environment. We value a collaborative school-home partnership with our supportive families. It is of paramount importance that all our students form a strong academic and social-emotional foundation for their promising futures.
MARCH 2025
Hello Gray Families,
The Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) is right around the corner. This is a statewide assessment and accountability measure for Illinois students enrolled in a public school district. IAR assesses the Illinois Learning Standards incorporating the Common Core and will be administered in English language arts and mathematics to all students in grades 3-8. Students in grades 5-8 will also take the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA).
Although not the exclusive determinant of student aptitude, standardized assessments serve as a critical instrument for schools to understand student performance and facilitate strategic planning.
Test Dates: Online Testing March 10 - April 18
Eligible Students: All 3 - 8th grade students
Teachers will communicate with families specific testing dates
Ways to help your student be successful:
1. Making sure, if possible, that your child attends school on the days of their scheduled assessment.
2. Making sure your child gets a good night’s sleep the night before testing.
3. Providing breakfast on the morning of testing if able. We will also continue to offer breakfast at school.
4. Reminding your child to ask the teacher questions if they do not understand the test directions.
5. Letting your child know that you have confidence in their ability to do their best.
6. Advising your child not to worry about the assessment. Just do the best they can.
7. Review the Student Readiness Tools to gain familiarity with the testing experience.
For more information on the IAR, please click HERE
Spring Break is fast approaching - March 24th-28th. Monday March 31st is a school improvement day so there will be no students in attendance. Tuesday April 1st Gray will host Parent-Teacher conferences. Conference hours will be 11am-6:00pm with Lunch at 3:15-4:00pm (teachers will be unavailable during lunch). Gray will offer in person and virtual options for conferences. Parent-teacher conferences are one of the highlights of the home-school partnership so please ensure you connect with your child’s teacher.  Students return to class after Spring Break on Wednesday April 2nd. 
The week following spring break is our second annual STEAM Week. Please look out for additional information. 
We are Stallion Strong!
Dr. Kotis

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